Dear friends,
We are really happy to announce our next show to be held at the Neo House of Tokyo Nerima from 9th to 15th June!
We look forward to see all our Japanese friends, collectors, students we have met in our studio here in Ravenna, but also to make new friends! It will be a unique and special occasion, because it is the first time that Luca and I are exhibiting together.
Each of us has created 9 small mosaics, hence the name of the exhibition "Piccoli Mosaici", but in a very different style.
The theme of the exhibition is: The mosaics as an Italian excellence, nowadays as during the antiquity.
All the mosaics exposed to Neo House are made of tiny pieces of marble, smalto and gold. The name of this technique is “opus vermiculatum” (an ancient technique employed in the execution of the most refined mosaics during the Roman Empire).
This exhibition will take the visitors on a hypothetical journey to Italy with my reproductions of ancient mosaics from northern to southern Italy. Then they will get back to the present with Luca’s contemporary mosaics.
The last day of the exhibition, the 15th June, we will run some short mosaic workshops.
During our stay in Japan, Koko mosaico will be open as always. Our assistants Melissa and Ivana will take care of the lab and its activities.
Wish us luck! :)
Arianna and Luca