Mosaic your favorite manga

Instructor:  Arianna Gallo                            

Dates  2 - 6 Nov 2016

Time: 9:00-13:00 and 14:00-18:00

Cost: €  660 The price includes instruction 8h a day, all materials, use of tools, the mosaic you have created, all taxes, insurance, and a certificate attesting to successful completion of the course.

You can pay the first day of the workshop, by cash or credit card.

To book please contact: or

This course is suitable for both beginners and intermediates


The workshop's focus is the translation into mosaic of the manga drawing you have chosen. Together we will determine the best technique and the most appropriate materials to use (Orsoni's smalti and gold, marble and so on). Often when I do a manga mosaic I use lead as an outline, so one of the goals of this workshop is to learn how to cut, beat and shape the lead. During the course you will design and make a mosaic of approximately  12x16 inches or 12x12 inches (30x30 or 30x40 cm). Materials, substrates and all necessary tools are  provided. Participants can work with different and/or larger dimensions if they wish, but in that case please contact us 4 weeks in advance. Keeping your design simple and choosing the smaller size mosaic substrate will help you to finish your mosaic by the workshop’s end.  


Please send an e-mail to: and attach your manga designs  in advance, in order to discuss this with you.                             If you choose to do so, please begin your inquiries at LEAST 30 days prior to the class.                                                                                 If you can decide on your design beforehand, this will save you valuable time on the first day.

If you don’t have time to prepare any designs before the course, then try and bring several pictorial references with you.                                     This could be anything from a book to a greeting card that you like, a picture from the web, etc.

Please do your research and consider that a good drawing / illustration / picture is much easier to work from than a low resolution or out-of-focus picture.


Wednesday Nov 2:

Lecture#1: Presentation of the workshop.

Discussion about the best technique, the best support and the best materials to employ according to your chosen manga drawing.

Tracing the image with a special water-soluble pen.

Cutting lesson #1: how to use the martellina and the tagliolo and how to cut smalti and marble in a contemporary style.

Cutting lesson #2: how to cut, beat and shape lead.

Preparation of the support and the frame (mesh, wood, honeycomb and so on).

Thursday Nov 3:

Lecture #2: the relationship between the artist (painter, photographer…) and the mosaicist / the relationship between pictor imaginarius and musivarius in the past and nowadays.

Execution of the mosaic.

Friday Nov 4 and Saturday Nov 5:

Work on the mosaic all day.

Sunday Nov 6:

Finishing touches on the mosaic, awarding the certificates, and group photo.


Looking forward to see you in November,

Warm wishes,      

Arianna Gallo  

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