€ 135.00
Estimated shipping costs: € 18.50

Fiore Ravenna Città Amica Delle Donne

cm 28 x 13 x 2

kg 0,950

The project "The Flowers of Ravenna - Ravenna Women-Friendly City" is an awareness-raising initiative promoted by the Linea Rosa Association, active in the field of gender-based violence prevention since 1991.

The association provides support to women and children victims of abuse and mistreatment.

Arianna Gallo, who has been involved in the project since its inception, continues actively contributing by creating mosaic flowers on characteristic ceramic tiles.

The goal is to spread more of these tiles, known as "The Flowers of Ravenna," to adorn the facades of homes in Ravenna and beyond. This initiative serves to inform tourists and residents alike that Ravenna has been committed for years to combating gender-based violence, actively promoting a safe and welcoming environment for all women and children.

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