Koko Mosaico together with Ravenna Incoming organise guided tours of the atelier.
The tour starts every Saturday morning at 11.30
To participate is really easy, to book click this link:
Booking is mandatory: our tour will be confirmed when it reaches a minimum number of participants and to assure you the best experience the tour also has a maximum number of participants.
The cost is of € 5 per person, children up to the age of 10 are free!
Koko Mosaico is a world full of colours and creativity, but especially history!
During the visit you will have the chance to learn and to touch by hand all the traditional materials that the laboratory still uses. We will also show you how we cut them by using the hammer and the hardie.
Last but not least, you will be able to admire all the artworks created by Arianna Gallo and Luca Barberini.
For information
Ufficio Informazioni San Francesco
Piazza San Francesco 7 - Ravenna
Tel. + 39 0544 482838 -
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