To discover the content of this course please click here:
Please note, this online mosaic course is avaibale only in English.
Are you interested in attending one of our mosaic workshops?
Buy one now using the button below!
You will be contacted immediately by the Koko Staff to define the most congenial date for you.
In the calendar's link you will find the dates of our weekly courses, while the short workshops are always available, even during the weekend, by reservation.

To discover the content of this course please click here:
Please note, this online mosaic course is avaibale only in English.
Are you interested in attending one of our mosaic workshops?
Buy one now using the button below!
You will be contacted immediately by the Koko Staff to define the most congenial date for you.
In the calendar's link you will find the dates of our weekly courses, while the short workshops are always available, even during the weekend, by reservation.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to create a self-portrait in mosaic, just like the professionals? Or are you curious how to approach mosaic portraiture in a contemporary style? This online course offered by Mosaic Arts Online is designed to guide you through the process of creating your own self-portrait mosaic, from start to finish, with the expertise and guidance of the artist Arianna Gallo. You can create a portrait of someone other than yourself using all of the same methods Arianna teaches in this course.
To learn more about this course and enroll, click this LINK
Are you interested in attending one of our mosaic workshops?
Buy one now using the button below!
You will be contacted immediately by the Koko Staff to define the most congenial date for you.
In the calendar's link you will find the dates of our weekly courses, while the short workshops are always available, even during the weekend, by reservation.